The following links will connect you to our new training manual, God’s Plan for His Disciples & God's Plan for His Church, as well as other related items that will strengthen your use of the manual. When you click a link below for a specific document, you will be taken to a Dropbox page. Make sure you click the Download button on the Dropbox page for best viewing and/or editing of the document.
We are so excited to provide access to our new, downloadable book "God's Plan for His Disciples"! This material is provided free of charge. We'd ask that you also read the Letter of Introduction first (below) to get a better understanding of the material.
Click the image to the left to view and download the latest revision (2020) of the GPHD manual at no charge!
In addition, we're very excited to provide access to our new 2020 GPHD Interactive manual in Mandarin! Click the image to the left to access the manual, or this link to the letter of introduction:
Arabic GPHC (God's Plan for His Church) is now available online. Click the image to the left to access the content.
This link will include: The Arabic GPHC Manual, A Letter of Introduction & The Arabic GPHC Banner
Arabic GPHD (God's Plan for His Disciples) is now available online. Click the image to the left to access the content.
This link will include: The Arabic GPHD Manual, A Letter of Introduction & The Arabic GPHD Banner
God's Plan for His Church (GPHC) - Full Version Below
If for any reason you have difficulty viewing any of the above, please go to the contact page and send us a note. If you have started using our training material, we would love to know how you are using it so we can pray for you. All of our materials are offered free of charge so that the gospel of Jesus Christ might reach the unreached without hindrance.