The ministry of "Go and Reconcile Ministries" began in the mid 90's. To understand what led up to the beginning of this ministry, please listen to the following testimony. Tim's experience lead him to seriously study the model laid out in the Book of Acts and Paul's letters. Rich insights resulted and became the material for this manual which has been translated into over twenty seven languages and taught through workshops in more than a dozen countries. Continued Below...
What is our objective and what has brought us to this point of offering this to the Body of Christ around the world? After many years of attempting to do this work, we have sensed the Lord leading us to keep rethinking our approach to Church Planting Training through the lens of Paul’s model. We keep asking ourselves and others questions that will lead us to examine what we are doing in the light of Scripture and in light of Paul’s obvious success in planting churches and strengthening them to stand on their own. We refuse to merely be pragmatic or follow methods that others use or ‘seem’ to be successful in using. Many churches struggle because their focus is on buildings, money, education and programs that lead to weak congregations and believers. Our sole desire is that the timeless, supra-cultural principles of God’s Word be explored so we build a foundation for planting churches, getting them strong in biblical truth, established and equipped so they can spontaneously expand in their indigenous settings and beyond. Most importantly, we recognize that we cannot do this on our own and must rely on the Holy Spirit to build His church. We want to be in tune with Him and then we can carry out these desires to see the church grow and become strong.
Because our desire is to glorify God and prepare the Church for Christ's return, we passionately seek to point others to the Scriptures, the power and indwelling Holy Spirit, and living headship of Christ in His Church. Those who work in this ministry purpose not to make anything of ourselves, nor take anything from this ministry for personal support. Christ must have the preeminence in all things (Col. 1:18). We offer workshops for groups of pastors and lay leaders, and churches of any size, anywhere in the world. All support is directly used for printing the Church Planting Manual, translations costs, travel and workshop expenses. Questions and comments are welcomed. Please see the contact page for more information.